Rapid Hardware
Day 1: Objective
1.1 Goal
1.2 Block Diagram
1.3 Timeline
Day 2: Planning
2.1 Planning Overview
2.2 Microcontroller Selection
2.3 Chip Selection
2.4 Chip Organization
2.5 Expected Power Consumption
2.6 MCU Pin Selection
2.7 Example Spreadsheet
2.8 Resistors, Capacitors, Oh My!
Day3/4: Board Design
3.1 Overview
3.2 PCB Basics
3.3 PCB Schematic and Layout Software Selection
3.4 Eagle Basics
3.5 Rules of Schematic Design
3.5 Creating Components in Eagle
3.6 Schematic Design in Eagle
3.7 Layout in Eagle
3.8 Bill of Materials
Day 5 and Beyond: Board Fabrication & Testing
Board Fabrication
Board Testing
Board Population
Additional Resources